(set: $labvisits to 0)(set: $temperature to 0)(set: $talkreceptionist to 0)(set: $havekeycard to 0)(set: $havecrowbar to 0)(set: $havepuppy to 0)(set: $officekey to 0)(set: $exitattempts to 0)(set: $phonecall to 0)(set: $leavedadsoffice to 0)(set: $havetotem to 0)(set: $distressedmom to 0)(set: $boygone to 0)(set: $babypainted to 0)You're in your dad's office in the paint factory.
Dad is frowning at you.
He says, "Son, I'm not proud of you."
[[Next->zookeeper]](if: $findtotem is 0)[LEFT END OF HALL
It's a long hall, dimly lit. [[Portraits]] of old men hang on either side of the hall. A [[bronze bust]] of an old man occupies a place of honor in the middle.
Two men are standing in the hall, [[talking]] to each other about paint.
[[Go into research lab->Research Lab]]
[[Go downstairs->Factory Floor 1]]
[[Go into dad's office->dad's office 2]]
[[Go around the corner->around the corner]]
[[Go to the right end of the hall->Upstairs Hall 2]]
](if: $findtotem is 1)[LEFT END OF HALL
It's a long hall, dimly lit. [[Portraits]] of old men hang on either side of the hall. A [[bronze bust]] of an old man occupies a place of honor in the middle.
The men from before are gone. There is a [[control switch]] on the wall.
[[Go into research lab->Research Lab]]
[[Go downstairs->Factory Floor 1]]
[[Go into dad's office->dad's office 2]]
[[Go around the corner->around the corner]]
[[Go to the right end of the hall->Upstairs Hall 2]]](if: $labvisits is 0 and $temperature is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE RESEARCH LAB
A scientist stands in a control room with a clipboard. Lights blink, switches and knobs on a panel correspond to displays and screens. In the corner, there is a coat rack. The scientist is wearing his lab coat.
Through a glass window, a kitchen is visible, with a family of four seated around a table.
Another scientist stands in this second room. He is wearing a lab coat and a respirator mask.
He places item after item in front of the members of the family, who are wired with electrodes, blood pressure cuffs, and heart rate monitors. The items are painted various colors. Each time one of them is put on the table, the screens in the control room display information. Lights flicker. Lines on a monitor spike and fall. Needles move.
The scientist in the control room makes notes on his clipboard.
He turns to you.
"Ah! You must be here for the experiment!"
[[That's right!->next]]
](elseif: $labvisits is 1 and $temperature is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE RESEARCH LAB
There is a control panel and a coat rack in the corner.
The experiment from earlier continues. The family in the other room sits around the table, painted objects thrust in front of them, their biometrics transmitted to the control room as the scientist wearing the respirator takes note.
The scientist in the control room turns to you. He is wearing a labcoat.
"You again? I thought I sent you to get your painted totem. No one should be here without a keycard."
[[Where do I get the totem?]]
[[Leave->Upstairs Hall]]
](elseif: $labvisits is 2 and $temperature is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE RESEARCH LAB
There is a control panel. There is a coat rack in the corner.
The experiment from earlier continues. The family sits in the other room around the table, painted objects thrust in front of them, their biometrics transmitted to the control room as the scientist wearing the respirator takes note.
The scientist in the control room looks at you. He is wearing a labcoat.
"Where's your painted totem? I don't assume you've gotten a keycard since I last saw you."
[[Where's the show room?]]
[[Leave->Upstairs Hall]]
](elseif: $labvisits is 3 and $temperature is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE RESEARCH LAB
There is a control panel. There is a coat rack in the corner.
The experiment from before continues.
The scientist turns to you. His face is indignant.
"Now really! You must not come back here without your painted totem! This place is off-limits to anyone without a keycard!"
[[I can't find the painted totem.]]
[[Leave->Upstairs Hall]]
](elseif: $temperature is 1 and $havekeycard is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE RESEARCH LAB
The scientist is perspiring heavily. Sweat runs down his forehead. Large damp patches have appeared in his underarms. He has taken off his lab coat and put it on the coat rack. He is paying no attention, too busy blotting the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.
[[Look at labcoat]]
[[Leave->Upstairs Hall]]
](elseif: $havekeycard is 1 and $havetotem is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE RESEARCH LAB
Better not spend too much more time in the lab...
[[Leave->Upstairs Hall]]](elseif: $havetotem is 1)[YOU ARE IN THE RESEARCH LAB
The scientist turns to you. He wipes sweat from his face. "Ah," he says. "I see you've got your painted totem. But you must check in for the experiment at the sterile vestibule."
[[Leave->Upstairs Hall]]]RIGHT END OF HALL
This hall looks out over the factory floor. You could spit in a vat of paint if you felt like it. But that's more trouble than you want to cause...
[[Go into paint application room->Paint Application Room]]
[[Try first door->Locked office 1]]
[[Try second door->Locked office 2]]
[[Use elevator->Elevator 2]]
[[Go downstairs->Factory Floor 2]]
[[Go to the left end of the hall->Upstairs Hall]] You rattle the handle, but it's locked.
[[Done->Upstairs Hall 2]] It's locked.
[[Done->Upstairs Hall 2]] (if: $havekeycard is 0 and $applicationroomvisits is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE PAINT APPLICATION ROOM
Behind a glass window, the conveyor belt moves objects toward the paint nozzle. When the objects reach the nozzle, paint is sprayed on them until they are completely coated.
The objects include a teddy bear, a globe, a red toy fire truck, a cactus, a dictionary, a frying pan, and a live baby in a cage. The baby gurgles and rolls around. It appears frightened. It blinks its eyes at you.
There is a control panel full of knobs, dials, and blinking lights. Above the panel, a black screen displays the glowing red outline of a face. Eyes, lips, and a nose. The eyes blink at you. The mouth is unmoving.
[[Get baby->no keycard]]
[[Play with controls->no keycard]]
[[Leave paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]]
](if: $havekeycard is 1 and $applicationroomvisits is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE PAINT APPLICATION ROOM
Behind a glass window, the conveyor belt moves objects toward the paint nozzle. When the objects reach the nozzle, paint is sprayed on them until they are completely coated.
The objects include a teddy bear, a globe, a red toy fire truck, a cactus, a dictionary, a frying pan, and a live baby in a cage. The baby gurgles and rolls around. It appears frightened. It blinks its eyes at you.
There is a control panel full of knobs, dials, and blinking lights. Above the panel, a black screen displays the glowing red outline of a face. Eyes, lips, and a nose. The eyes blink at you. The mouth is unmoving.
[[Get baby->keycard]]
[[Play with controls->keycard]]
[[Leave->Upstairs Hall 2]]
](if: $applicationroomvisits is 1 and $paintnozzle is 0 and $havepuppy is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE PAINT APPLICATION ROOM
You enter the paint application room. The machinery is quiet. The nozzle is not spraying. The baby giggles and blinks its eyes. The computer asks, "What would you like to do?"
[[Resume painting]]
[[Access painting chamber->painting chamber]]
[[Nothing. Leave the paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]]
](if: $applicationroomvisits is 1 and $paintnozzle is 1)[YOU ARE IN THE PAINT APPLICATION ROOM
The nozzle is applying paint to objects. Overspray splatters the glass windows. The puppy wails and bangs its fist on the floor of the cage. Its turn to be painted approaches. The computer asks, "What would you like to do?"
[[Stop the paint nozzle]]
[[Nothing. Leave the paint application room.->Upstairs Hall 2]]](if: $havepuppy is 1 and $babypainted is 1)[YOU ARE IN THE PAINT APPLICATION ROOM
The machinery is quiet. There is not a moving object in the paint application room. The red outline of the face blinks. The mouth begins to move.
"Is there anything else you'd like to do?"
[[Tell me about Sherwood Forest paint company.]]
[[No. Leave the paint application room.->Upstairs Hall 2]]](if: $havepuppy is 1 and $babypainted is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE PAINT APPLICATION ROOM
The machinery is quiet. There is not a moving object in the paint application room. The red outline of the face blinks. The mouth begins to move.
"Is there anything else you'd like to do?"
[[Tell me about Sherwood Forest paint company.]]
[[Paint this baby.]]
[[No. Leave the paint application room.->Upstairs Hall 2]]](if: $talkworker is 0)[YOU ARE ON THE LEFT END OF THE FACTORY FLOOR
It's the factory floor. Machinery clanks, vats of paint churn. A stench of chemicals rises to your nose. You can hardly hear anything over the noise of industry. No one pays attention to you. Forklifts pass in either direction. Everyone here is wearing hard hats and high-viz vests.
A worker leans against a large case of paint chemicals. He is writing something in a notebook. [[Talk to worker.]]
Stairs lead up to a hall.
A door leads to another hall.
Another set of double doors leads to the right end of the factory floor.
[[Go upstairs->Upstairs Hall]]
[[Go through the door to the downstairs hall->Downstairs Hall]]
[[Go through double doors to the right end of the factory->Factory Floor 2]]
It's the factory floor. Machinery clanks, vats of paint churn. A stench of chemicals rises to your nose. You can hardly hear anything over the noise of industry. No one pays attention to you. Forklifts pass in either direction. Everyone here is wearing hard hats and high-viz vests.
Stairs lead up to a hall on the upper level.
A door leads to another hall.
Another set of double doors leads to the right end of the factory floor.
[[Go upstairs->Upstairs Hall]]
[[Go through the door to the downstairs hall->Downstairs Hall]]
[[Go through double doors to the right end of the factory floor->Factory Floor 2]]] (if: $havecrowbar is 0)[YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT END OF THE FACTORY FLOOR
It's another factory floor. Big wooden crates moved by forklifts, a spiral slide of paint cans, filled and then sealed, and then loaded into boxes.
A crowbar leans against a box that is being loaded with paint cans.
A worker sings a song at the top of his lungs. It's hard to hear, but if you [[lean in]] you can make out the words to the workingman's song.
There is a stairway to the mezzanine, and an elevator. A door leads to the factory show room. Another door leads back to the hall.
A set of double doors leads to the left end of the factory floor.
[[Go to the elevator->Elevator]]
[[Go upstairs->Upstairs Hall 2]]
[[Go to the downstairs hall->Downstairs Hall]]
[[Go to the show room->Show Room]]
[[Go through the double doors to the left end of the factory floor->Factory Floor 1]]
[[Take crowbar]]
It's another factory floor. Big wooden crates moved by forklifts, a spiral slide of paint cans, filled and then sealed, and then loaded into boxes.
A worker sings a song at the top of his lungs. It's hard to hear him over the machinery. If you [[listen close]] you can hear the workingman's song.
There is a stairway to the mezzanine, and an elevator. A door leads to the factory show room. Another door leads back to the hall.
A set of double doors leads to the left end of the factory floor.
[[Go to the elevator->Elevator]]
[[Go upstairs->Upstairs Hall 2]]
[[Go to the hall->Downstairs Hall]]
[[Go to the show room->Show Room]]
[[Go through the double doors to the left end of the factory floor->Factory Floor 1]]] (if: $havekeycard is 0)[The elevator requires a keycard for access.
[[Back to factory floor->Factory Floor 2]]
](elseif: $havekeycard is 1)[You can access the elevator with your stolen keycard.
[[Take elevator up->Take elevator]]
[[Take elevator down->down2]]
[[Don't take elevator->Factory Floor 2]]]YOU ARE IN THE DOWNSTAIRS HALL
It's a long, well-lit hall with many doors.
[[Go to reception->Reception]]
[[Go to the childcare center->Childcare Center]]
[[Go to the show room->Show Room]]
[[Go to the left end of the factory floor->Factory Floor 1]]
[[Go to the right end of the factory floor->Factory Floor 2]] (if: $labvisits is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE SHOW ROOM
The show room is full of things that are painted with Sherwood Forest paints. Anything can be painted, and this is the beauty of paint.
There are models of buildings with their sides painted in various shades of the same color. There are household objects painted the same way, each representing a palette of the colors an object could be painted.
There's a salesman pacing the floor.
One set of doors leads into the factory. Another set leads back to the hall. Another set leads to the cafeteria.
[[Talk to salesman]]
[[Go to the factory floor->Factory Floor 2]]
[[Go to the hall->Downstairs Hall]]
[[Go to the cafeteria->cafeteria]]
](if: $labvisits is 1 or $labvisits is 2 or $labvisits is 3 and $totem is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE SHOW ROOM
This is the showroom. It's full of things painted with Sherwood Forest paints. Anything can be painted. This is why paint is beautiful and good.
There are models of buildings with their sides painted in various shades of the same color. There are household objects painted the same way, each representing a palette of the colors an object could be painted.
What could the painted totem be? There's a salesman pacing the floor.
One set of doors leads into the factory. Another set leads back to the hall. Another set leads to the cafeteria.
[[Talk to salesman]]
[[Ask salesman about painted totem]]
[[Go to the factory floor->Factory Floor 2]]
[[Go to the hall->Downstairs Hall]]
[[Go to the cafeteria->cafeteria]]
](elseif: $totem is 1)[YOU ARE IN THE SHOW ROOM
The salesman examines the row of painted totems, pacing back and forth, stopping repeatedly at the spot where one is missing. He scratches his head.
"I just don't know where that painted totem could be," he says.
[[Talk to salesman]]
[[Go to the factory floor->Factory Floor 2]]
[[Go to the hall->Downstairs Hall]]
[[Go to the cafeteria->cafetiria]]](if: $labvisits is 1 and $distressedmom is 0)[YOU ARE AT RECEPTION
Two receptionists sit at the desk. Each are talking on the phone.
The company's name is spelled in block letters on the wall behind them. "Sherwood Forest Paints." Underneath this, an image of the globe, and a hand holding a paint roller. The roller is applying paint to the earth.
A man is sitting in one of the lobby chairs. Another man is pacing near the doors that go outside.
A woman frantically approaches you. Her hair is wild and her eyes are red.
She says, "Have you seen my baby?"
[[No->nobaby]]](if: $labvisits is 2 and $distressedmom is 0)[YOU ARE AT RECEPTION
Two receptionists sit at the desk. Each are talking on the phone.
The company's name is spelled in block letters on the wall behind them. "Sherwood Forest Paints." Underneath this, an image of the globe, and a hand holding a paint roller. The roller is applying paint to the earth.
A man is sitting in one of the lobby chairs. Another man is pacing near the doors that go outside.
A woman frantically approaches you. Her hair is wild and her eyes are red.
She says, "Have you seen my baby?"
[[No->nobaby]]](if: $labvisits is 3 and $distressedmom is 0)[YOU ARE AT RECEPTION
Two receptionists sit at the desk. Each are talking on the phone.
The company's name is spelled in block letters on the wall behind them. "Sherwood Forest Paints." Underneath this, an image of the globe, and a hand holding a paint roller. The roller is applying paint to the earth.
A man is sitting in one of the lobby chairs. Another man is pacing near the doors that go outside.
A woman frantically approaches you. Her hair is wild and her eyes are red.
She says, "Have you seen my baby?"
[[No->nobaby]]](if: $labvisits is 0 and $distressedmom is 0)[YOU ARE AT RECEPTION
Two receptionists sit at the desk. Each are talking on the phone.
The company's name is spelled in block letters on the wall behind them. "Sherwood Forest Paints." Underneath this, an image of the globe, and a hand holding a paint roller. The roller is applying paint to the earth.
A man is sitting in one of the lobby chairs. Another man is pacing near the doors that go outside.
[[Talk to man in chair]]
[[Talk to pacing man]]
[[Listen in on receptionists' phone calls]]
[[Go to hall->Downstairs Hall]]
](elseif: $talkreceptionist is 0 and $distressedmom is 1)[YOU ARE AT RECEPTION
One receptionist sits at the desk. She is staring at her fingernails.
The company's name is spelled in block letters on the wall behind her. "Sherwood Forest Paints." Underneath this, an image of the globe, and a hand holding a paint roller. The roller is applying paint to the earth.
A man is sitting in one of the lobby chairs. Another man is pacing near the doors to outside.
[[Talk to man in chair]]
[[Talk to pacing man]]
[[Talk to receptionist]]
[[Go to hall->Downstairs Hall]]
](elseif: $temperature is 0 and $talkreceptionist is 1)[YOU ARE AT RECEPTION
The receptionist sits behind the desk talking on the phone.
A man is sitting in one of the lobby chairs. Another man is pacing near the doors to outside.
[[Talk to man in chair]]
[[Talk to pacing man]]
[[Go to hall->Downstairs Hall]]
](if: $temperature is 1)[YOU ARE AT RECEPTION
The receptionist sits behind the desk talking on the phone. She didn't notice a thing. It sounds like a personal conversation.
A man is sitting in one of the lobby chairs. Another man is pacing near the doors to outside.
[[Talk to man in chair]]
[[Talk to pacing man]]
[[Go to hall->Downstairs Hall]]](if: $havepuppy is 0 and $totem is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE CHILDCARE CENTER
The childcare center is a colorful nightmare. The walls are decorated with painted clowns and balloons, and a large plastic chipmunk, taller than an adult, stands in the center of the room. A jack in the box sits on the floor near the chipmunk.
A play castle with two towers rises in one corner of the room. Leading to one tower is a ladder. A slide curves down from the other. The towers are joined by a bridge. There is a strange and beautiful object sitting on the bridge between the two towers. What is it?
A play pen encloses a number of little children, who play with marbles, bouncy balls, and fingerpaints, or pick their noses.
The supervisor, an unhappy-looking woman with wrinkles and dry grey hair, sits at a desk in the other corner. She is staring at her cell phone.
[[Play with children]]
[[Climb castle->Go on slide]]
[[Punch chipmunk]]
[[Wind jack-in-the-box]]
[[Go into hall->Downstairs Hall]]](if: $havepuppy is 0 and $totem is 1)[YOU ARE IN THE CHILDCARE CENTER
The childcare center is a colorful nightmare. The walls are decorated with painted clowns and balloons, and a large plastic chipmunk, taller than an adult, stands in the center of the room. A jack in the box sits on the floor near the chipmunk.
A play castle with two towers rises in one corner of the room. Leading to one tower is a ladder. A slide curves down from the other. The towers are joined by a bridge.
There is a beautiful carved object, as long as your arm, sitting on the bridge between the towers. It is your favorite color. Its color is so vivid that it glows. Everything else in the room seems dingy by comparison. This must be your painted totem.
A play pen encloses a number of little children, who play with marbles, bouncy balls, and fingerpaints, or pick their noses.
The supervisor, an unhappy-looking woman with wrinkles and dry grey hair, sits at a desk in the other corner. She is staring at her cell phone.
[[Play with children]]
[[Climb castle->Go on slide]]
[[Get painted totem from bridge]]
[[Punch chipmunk]]
[[Wind jack-in-the-box]]
[[Go into hall->Downstairs Hall]]](if: $havepuppy is 1 and $goslide is 0 and $havetotem is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE CHILDCARE CENTER
The childcare center is a colorful nightmare. The walls are decorated with painted clowns and balloons, and a large plastic chipmunk, taller than an adult, stands in the center of the room. A jack in the box sits on the floor near the chipmunk.
A play castle with two towers rises in one corner of the room. Leading to one tower is a ladder. A slide curves down from the other. The towers are joined by a bridge.
There is a beautiful carved object, as long as your arm, sitting on the bridge between the towers. It is your favorite color. Its color is so vivid that it glows. Everything else in the room seems dingy by comparison. This must be your painted totem.
A play pen encloses a number of little children, who play with marbles, bouncy balls, and fingerpaints, or pick their noses.
The supervisor, an unhappy-looking woman with wrinkles and dry grey hair, sits at a desk in the other corner. She is staring at her cell phone.
[[Play with children]]
[[Get painted totem from castle->slide1]]
[[Climb castle->Go on slide]]
[[Punch chipmunk]]
[[Wind jack-in-the-box]]
[[Play with baby]]
[[Go into hall->Downstairs Hall]]](if: $havepuppy is 1 and $goslide is 1 and $havetotem is 0)[YOU ARE IN THE CHILDCARE CENTER
The supervisor is sitting at her desk. The children are playing in the pen. Your painted totem is on the bridge between the castle towers.
[[Play with children]]
[[Get painted totem from castle->slide1]]
[[Punch chipmunk]]
[[Wind jack-in-the-box]]
[[Play with baby->Play with baby]]
[[Go into hall->Downstairs Hall]]](if: $havetotem is 1)[YOU ARE IN THE CHILDCARE CENTER
The supervisor is changing the baby's diaper. The little girl is trying to help, but her help is interfering.
[[Go into hall->Downstairs Hall]]] Dad's desk is a mess. His [[appointment book]] lies open. An article in the [[newspaper]] has been circled. One of the [[drawers]] is ajar.
[[Done->dad's office 2]]Dad's walls are mostly blank, except for a [[framed photograph]]. There's also a [[map]]. The walls are painted a dark shade of orange. All executives at Sherwood Forest paints get to choose the color of their walls! That's an executive privilege. There's a [[red telephone]] mounted to the wall.
[[Done->dad's office 2]] There's a [[spiderweb]] in one of dad's corners. And a [[globe.]]
[[Done->dad's office 2]] Dad's days are full of meetings. But his appointments are marked out in some kind of code. Nothing but initials--usually two initials, sometimes only one, three at the absolute most.
[[Done->dad's desk]] An article is circled. Its headline reads: "Paint-Huffing Boy Makes Good As Pigment Innovator."
The article begins: "Cornelius Jones grew up in the ghetto with no joys except huffing paint. There was no television, or even electricity. His house was filled with paint cans, and he discovered early on that he could apply paint to a rag and smell it in order to transport himself beyond his dreary surroundings.
"Thought to be brain damaged by his teachers, and all but given up on by society, Jones has surprised everyone by emerging as the most innovative pigment mixer the paint business has seen in a century. Hired by Green Acres Paints before his fifteenth birthday, Jones has already invented a dozen colors that are so popular Green Acres can't keep up with demand."
A post-it note has been attached to the article, with dad's handwriting: "We've got to hire this kid!"
[[Done->dad's desk]] YOU ARE IN DAD'S OFFICE
Now's your chance to find out what dad does at all day at work.
A gentle breeze floats through the open window, carrying the unnaturally sweet smell of paint fumes.
[[Check out the stuff on dad's desk->dad's desk]]
[[Check out the stuff on dad's walls->dad's walls]]
[[Check out the stuff in dad's corners->dad's corners]]
(if: $leavedadsoffice is 0)[[[Leave dad's office->locked door]]](elseif: $leavedadsoffice is 1)[[[Leave dad's office->Upstairs Hall]]]The portraits of the founders and former company presidents are grim. Old white men against black backgrounds, as though they are emerging from the void of space and time. The paint, applied many years ago, has cracked in places, causing the subject's skin to resemble a desert. The men are unsmiling, their stares penetrating and judgmental.
[[Done->Upstairs Hall]] The bust is finely detailed. The man has a straight nose and jaw. His cheeks are round, his hair short and combed over. His eyes are half-closed. An information card reveals that this man is the inventor of the color red. He invented it in 1893, twelve years after the paint company was founded. Until the invention of red, it was a struggling business with few customers. After introducing red, Sherwood Forest paints were the most sought-after in the world.
[[Done->Upstairs Hall]] The photograph is black and white. Three rows of a dozen men, each raising a paintbrush. The men are mostly wearing suits, except for some who wear smocks. Some are smiling, some frown, some appear embarrassed to be in the photograph. Dad is not in this picture. It is dated from 1927. A banner behind the men reads "Sherwood Forest Paints Summer Painting Picnic 1927."
[[Done->dad's walls]] The map is of the city. Some blocks are colored in and labeled "SFP". Other blocks are not entirely colored. Patches remain open. A large uncolored patch in the downtown quadrant has been circled. The circle is underlined three times. What can this mean?
[[Done->dad's walls]] "Volunteers aren’t supposed to be in this room. What’s your resting heart rate?"
[[60 beats per minute.->next1]]
[[No idea.->next1]]
[[150 beats per minute.->next1]]"We’ll confirm that in just a moment. You really shouldn’t be in this room. How did you get here?"
[[The door was open.->next2]]
[[Where am I supposed to be?->next2]]"You should be in the sterile vestibule. All volunteers are required to undergo thorough cleansing procedures before they are exposed to painted surfaces."
[[Vestibule?->next3]]"External contaminants can interfere with our testing procedures. Do you have a favorite color?"
"We'll verify that in just a moment."
The scientist studies you.
"You’ll make a fine test subject. Paint is far more than a protective layer, you know! We express ourselves in paint. We control our moods with paint. Even when we lived in caves, we painted them. How lucky you are to contribute to the advancement of painted surfaces."
The scientist frowns. He stares at you.
"But you should have your painted totem. Didn't they give you one in the show room before you came upstairs?"
[[What for?->next5]]
(set: $vestibule to 1)"Just around the corner. You won’t miss it! Ask someone if you’re lost. But don't forget to get your painted totem first. It's the most important thing. Off you go!"
[[Leave lab->Upstairs Hall]]
[[Where do I get the totem?]] The elevator opens. A pleasant but artificial female voice says, "Welcome scientist." You step inside and press the button.
As the elevator rises, the voice says, "Your research sustains the human race. It is only because of you that we no longer dwell in caves. Someday, you will pass on your seed through the lucky woman who will bear your children. Until then, know that your scientific research ensures your fruitful legacy."
The elevator is now upstairs.
[[Go to mezzanine->Upstairs Hall 2]]
[[Go back down->Factory Floor 2]] (if: $havekeycard is 0)[The elevator requires a keycard for access.
[[Back to mezzanine->Upstairs Hall 2]]
](elseif: $havekeycard is 1)[You can access the elevator with your stolen keycard.
[[Take elevator to factory floor->Take elevator 2]]
[[Take elevator to basement level->Take elevator down]]
[[Don't take elevator->Upstairs Hall 2]]]The elevator opens. A pleasantly artificial female voice says, "Welcome scientist."
You step inside and press the button. As the elevator descends, the voice says, "Without your valuable research, the world would remain unpainted. Thank you for everything. You are serving humanity and your country."
The elevator has arrived.
[[Go to factory->Factory Floor 2]]
[[Go back up->Upstairs Hall 2]] "I've been waiting for my appointment for three weeks. They keep telling me to come back tomorrow. All I want is to have my house repainted! But I'm behind on payments for the last repainting. It isn't fair."
[[Done->Reception]] "Life is strange isn't it? One day you've got a wife, a family. The next day, you've got a painting of a wife, a painting of a family. And the thing is, you don't miss the wife or family. The painting is all you ever wanted!"
[[Done->Reception]] The receptionist is startled. Her hand drops to the desk. She clicks all of her fingernails against it, one at a time. They are painted a venomous shade of green.
"Have I seen you before?"
[[I don't think so...->go]]
[[Have you?->go]]One receptionist says: "Sherwood Forest paint company, building a better world by painting it, how may I direct your call?...You want the orders department, I'll transfer you now."
The other is saying: "I'm very sorry to hear that you didn't receive your order as requested. You'll need to speak with customer service. This is just reception. If you'll please hold, I'll transfer your call. We at Sherwood Forest are committed to helping you build a better world by painting it. I appreciate your patience."
[[Done->Reception]] "I'm sure I have...No, you know what it is? I've seen a painting of you. That's it! You're someone's child, aren't you?"
[[I have parents, yes.->go1]]
[[What painting?->go1]]"I could hardly tell the difference between you and the painting. Sherwood Forest paints are truly astonishing. Do you know Fernando? He's one of the pigment testers here. Or, he was. Last week he fell into a vat of paint and drowned. But they painted such a nice tribute to him! You can hardly tell the difference. I feel like Fernando never left us. The skin tone isn't quite perfect. It's hard to get skin tones perfect."
The phone rings.
"It was nice talking to you, little boy! Be careful in the factory, it's not a safe place."
The receptionist answers, "Sherwood Forest paint company, building a better world by painting it."
(set: $talkreceptionist to 1)
[[Back to lobby->Reception]]Behind the desk there is a switch. It seems to control the temperature.
[[Adjust temperature]]
[[Leave temperature alone]]If they're going to leave control panels around where anyone can access them, they don't deserve to have their default settings respected...you turn the temperature up. Wonder how sweat will affect the paint?
(set: $temperature to 1)
[[Done->Reception]] The temperature is fine. You probably shouldn't mess with factory settings...it could be dangerous.
[[Done->Reception]] The labcoat has more weight than it seems it should. The pockets rattle. You go through the pockets. They're full of coins, keys, hard candy, pens, pencils, wadded up tissues, and a keycard.
[[Take keycard]]
[[Leave keycard]]This keycard should give you access to restricted areas. If the scientist wasn't so busy sweating, he would have noticed his keycard being swiped, but that's his fault.
(set: $havekeycard to 1)
[[Nice!]]You shouldn't take what doesn't belong to you. It's lucky the scientist is so distracted sweating he hasn't seen you look through the pockets of his coat.
[[Put coat back->Research Lab]] You put the labcoat back on the coat rack.
[[Leave lab->Upstairs Hall]] You don't have a keycard. Without one, you are locked out of the system.
[[Done->Paint Application Room]] The face begins to move. A soft, female, humanoid voice speaks:
"Hello, scientist. What would you like to do?"
[[Get the baby]]
[[Paint things]]
[[Stop painting things->Stop the paint nozzle]]
[[Stop the madness]]"I do not understand madness. Can you teach me what madness is?"
[[Don't paint the baby!->Save the baby!!]]
[[Madness is covering live things in paint. This factory is madness.->madness]]"Are you sure you wish to stop the paint nozzle? Nothing will be painted if the paint nozzle is stopped."
[[Deny]](set: $applicationroomvisits to 1)(set: $paintnozzle to 1)"I cannot do this. This baby has been designated for repainting. At Sherwood Forests, we build a better world by painting it. This baby has only the skin-layer coat that it was born with. Paint is a protective layer. We will make this baby better by painting it."
[[Stop the paint nozzle]]
[[Leave paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]] "Covering living things in paint is what this factory does. When living things are covered in paint, they acquire new life. Paint extends the life of things. This factory is the Sherwood Forest paint factory. This factory makes paint. Life is better with paint. I do not understand madness."
[[Don't paint the baby!->Save the baby!!]]
[[Stop the paint nozzle]] (set: $paintnozzle to 0)(set: $applicationroomvisits to 1)"Painting will cease."
The nozzle stops spraying paint. The baby laughs.
"Would you like to access the painting chamber?"
[[Yes->painting chamber]]
[[No->what then?]](set: $paintnozzle to 1)(set: $applicationroomvisits to 1)"Painting will continue."
The nozzle continues to spray paint. The puppy barks. Its turn is approaching.
The computer says, "What would you like to do?"
[[Stop the paint nozzle]]
[[Nothing. Leave the paint application room.->Upstairs Hall 2]]The baby looks at you. You reach through the bars of the cage to pat the baby on its head. The baby holds your finger in its fist.
[[Set the baby free]]
[[Leave the puppy in the cage and go back into the hall->Upstairs Hall 2]]You try to brush away the spiderweb, and then realize that it's painted there. It's so realistic! But it's only a painting of a spiderweb. There's an info sheet on the ground about the new spiderweb silver line of paint to be released in fall.
[[Done->dad's corners]] The globe is round, and all the countries are on it, but they are not named. Each country is a solid country, and flat. There is no textured representation of topography--only color.
[[Done->dad's corners]] "What would you like to do?"
[[Resume painting]]
[[Nothing. Leave the paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]]
[[Access painting chamber->painting chamber]](set: $paintnozzle to 1)The paint nozzle begins to apply paint again. The baby cries in fear. Its turn is coming up.
[[Stop the paint nozzle]]
[[Leave the paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]] (set: $havecrowbar to 1)Now you've got a crowbar! It's got a nice weight to it, but it's thin enough that you can easily wrap your fist around it. And there's a cobra-like curve at the end of it that will be awesome for applying leverage.
[[Done->Factory Floor 2]] (if: $workingmanssong is 0)[The workingman sings:
"Mr. Slave, Mr. Slave, listen to the call,
Of the brave to the brave; take the world for all.
Now you need the light and might
To free all homeless working men,
Look around, all around and see,
Hear the pound, hear the sound of machinery.
How the owners fool you, how they rule you.
Just hear the bosses blow.
Hurry up! Hurry up! on my new machine.
Man, you're slow, boss is losing money.
It displaces seventy men.
If you cannot speed up you're fired then.
Go and look, go and look for another master.
Good or bad, you sure will make him wealthy.
It's God darned hard to wake you up.
You're a Bonehead Working Man."
](if: $workingmanssong is 1)[The workingman sings:
"Mr. Slave, Mr. Slave, hear the union grand.
It's a wave, it's a wave rolling through the land.
This the masters fear we are here
To free our class from slavery.
Get a book, get a book, read the word of light,
Take a look, take a look, join the band of might.
Come and be a wobbly, then you'll probably
Not let the bosses cry:
Hurry up! Hurry up! on my new machine.
Man, you're slow, boss is losing money.
It displaces seventy men.
If you cannot speed up you're fired then.
Go and look, go and look for another master.
Good or bad, you sure will make him wealthy.
It's God darned hard to wake you up.
You're a Bonehead Working Man."(set: $workingmanssong to 0)
[[Done->Factory Floor 2]]](set: $workingmanssong to 1)A rousing song! Maybe a bit too rousing. The worker should perhaps be reported to management. What kind of subversive might he be? Well, let him sing his song. Even if he knows the truth of his condition, how can he change it?
[[Done->Factory Floor 2]] (set: $talkworker to 1)"Hello young man! How old are you?"
[[I don't want to say->worker2]]"Not too young, anyway, to be a slave. Would you like to hear the poem I wrote?"
[[Not really->poem]]"Excellent! It goes like this:
I had a job once threshing wheat,
Worked sixteen hours with hands and feet.
And when the moon was shining bright,
They kept me working all the night.
One moonlight night, I hate to tell,
I "accidentally" slipped and fell.
My pitchfork went right in between
Some cog wheels of that thresh-machine.
It made a noise that way,
And wheels and bolts and hay,
Went flying every way.
That stingy rube said, "Well!
A thousand gone to hell."
But I did sleep that night,
I needed it all right."
[[You did not have a job threshing wheat.->worker3]]
[[What kind of noise is "ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay"?->worker4]]
[[When you say "accidentally," that means you meant to do it, right?->worker5]]"Ah! But all jobs for the employing class are fundamentally the same job. Endless toil! Got to get back to it! Watch out for the employing class, young man! They're everywhere!"
[[Done->Factory Floor 1]] "A most triumphant noise! A noise I wish to hear every day! A noise that sends shivers down the bosses' spines! A beautiful noise, a noise of revolution!"
The worker takes off his shoe and throws it at a mixing vat. The shoe hits the vat and falls to the floor with a thud.
A supervisor passes by. "Bartholomew! You know it's a safety hazard to be shoeless in the factory. Retrieve your shoe and stop loafing."
The worker glares at the supervisor and sulks to retrieve his shoe. He returns to his station, supervising the mixing of the paint.
[[Done->Factory Floor 1]] "Of course! But could they prove that? Oh, no. Well, it's time for my afternoon nap, young man. The rumbling of this equipment rocks me right to sleep."
The worker closes his eyes and begins to snore.
[[Done->Factory Floor 1]] (set: $havepuppy to 1)(if: $babypainted is 0)[You break the lock with the crowbar. The cage door swings open. You scoop up the baby and hold it in your hands. The baby is pink and warm. It nuzzles its face against your shoulder.
You now have a baby. The baby begins to wail.
[[Leave paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]]](if: $babypainted is 1)[You break the lock with the crowbar. The cage door swings open. You scoop up the baby and hold it in your hands. The baby is light blue and slightly cold. It nuzzles its face against your shoulder.
You now have a baby. The baby laughs.
[[Leave paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]]]Rattling the cage makes a loud noise. The baby screams.
[[Leave paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]] "Sherwood Forest paint company makes the world better by painting it. Everything that is unpainted lacks its final layer. Once paint is applied, an object has reached its highest stage. Everything can be painted. People, places, and things. Everything that is unpainted is an opportunity. Nothing should be allowed to remain unpainted. Sherwood Forest uses the finest materials to produce its colors. Sherwood Forest colors are so vivid that they are indistinguishable from life. Pigments are extracted from vibrant material. Once a color is isolated, it can be reproduced, given a steady supply of pigment. Securing raw material is one of the biggest challenges facing Sherwood Forest."
[[Done->Paint Application Room]] [[dad's office 2]]
[[Research Lab]]
[[Upstairs Hall]]
[[Factory Floor 1]]
[[Factory Floor 2]]
[[Downstairs Hall]]
[[Childcare Center]]
[[Show Room]]
[[Upstairs Hall 2]]
[[Paint Application Room]]
[[Secret Lab]] (if: $workingmanssong is 0)[The workingman sings:
"Mr. Slave, Mr. Slave, listen to the call,
Of the brave to the brave; take the world for all.
Now you need the light and might
To free all homeless working men,
Look around, all around and see,
Hear the pound, hear the sound of machinery.
How the owners fool you, how they rule you.
Just hear the bosses blow.
Hurry up! Hurry up! on my new machine.
Man, you're slow, boss is losing money.
It displaces seventy men.
If you cannot speed up you're fired then.
Go and look, go and look for another master.
Good or bad, you sure will make him wealthy.
It's God darned hard to wake you up.
You're a Bonehead Working Man."
](if: $workingmanssong is 1)[The workingman sings:
"Mr. Slave, Mr. Slave, hear the union grand.
It's a wave, it's a wave rolling through the land.
This the masters fear we are here
To free our class from slavery.
Get a book, get a book, read the word of light,
Take a look, take a look, join the band of might.
Come and be a wobbly, then you'll probably
Not let the bosses cry:
Hurry up! Hurry up! on my new machine.
Man, you're slow, boss is losing money.
It displaces seventy men.
If you cannot speed up you're fired then.
Go and look, go and look for another master.
Good or bad, you sure will make him wealthy.
It's God darned hard to wake you up.
You're a Bonehead Working Man."(set: $workingmanssong to 0)
[[Done->Factory Floor 2]]]You move toward the play pen. The supervisor looks up from her phone.
"What are you doing here?" she shrieks. "This is not a place for you! You may not touch those children! Leave those children alone!"
[[Disobey]]You start to climb the ladder to the first tower. The supervisor shrieks, "Little boy! You are much too big to climb that castle! Come down from there this instant. People could get hurt."
[[Disobey->Disobey1]]That chipmunk is ugly. You punch its ugly face. The chipmunk spins around once.
The supervisor looks up.
"This is not allowed!" she says. "You are breaking the rules! Would you like to wake up in a bed of snakes, little boy?"
[[No->nosnakes]](set: $goslide to 1)You begin to climb up the ladder. Suddenly, you feel a hand clasped around the back of your shirt, long nails digging into your skin.
"You are much too large to go on the castle," the supervisor says. "The castle is for small children, not for little boys like you. People will get hurt if boys your size try to climb the castle. Come down from that ladder this instant."
[[Disobey->Disobey2]]You back away from the play pen. The supervisor looks back at her phone.
[[Done->Childcare Center]] This lady isn't your boss! You climb into the play pen. All the children stop what they're doing and stare at you. Everyone is silent.
The supervisor gets up from behind her desk. She moves surprisingly quickly for someone so fat. Her cold hand is on your shoulder. Her fingernails are long.
"Little boy," she says, "If you do not do as you're told, you will be eaten by worms."
She lifts you out of the play pen and sets you back on the floor.
"Go back somewhere you belong! You're too old to be here. This place is for children."
[[Done->Childcare Center]] You turn the crank of the jack-in-the-box, but nothing happens. There is a low, eerie creaking sound. The lid does not pop open, a head does not pop out.
The supervisor looks up.
"Children," she says. "Do you hear that sound? That is the sound of dreams passing by. Soon you will be older. Remember that sound now. When you hear it again, you’ll know what it is. Don't cry children, even though you have every reason to cry."
The supervisor looks back at her phone.
[[Done->Childcare Center]] You slowly climb back down the ladder.
[[Done->Childcare Center]] She can't tell you what to do! You keep climbing the ladder. Suddenly, you feel a hand clasp the back of your shirt. Fingernails are digging into your skin.
"Little boy," the supervisor says, her voice a sinister whisper. "If you do not play by the rules, spiders will lay their eggs under your skin and eat you from within."
She lifts you by your shirt from the ladder and places you on the floor, then returns to her desk, where she goes back to staring at her phone.
[[Done->Childcare Center]] "Snakes are cool," you say. "They slither."
The supervisor's eyes light up. "Ah," she says. "But these snakes are poisonous. These snakes have no mercy. These snakes will not permit you to get any rest. You sleep, little boy, like all little boys: peacefully. But when you wake up in a bed of snakes, you will sleep peacefully no longer. Your dreams will be disturbed. You will writhe all night long, your motion the motion of the snakes amongst which you lie."
[[You're mean!]]
[[I hate you!]]
[[Snakes don't sound so good I guess.]]"If you continue this behavior, you might find that's where you wake up."
The supervisor looks back at her phone.
[[Done->Childcare Center]] The supervisor widens her eyes. She smiles viciously.
"Did you think childhood would be party balloons and cakes? Hardly! For my seventh birthday, I received a pack of cigarettes and a letter of recommendation. I took that letter to the factory, where I have toiled ever since. No, little boy, childhood is much more than party balloons and cakes."
The supervisor looks back at her phone.
[[Done->Childcare Center]] The supervisor widens her eyes. She smiles like a cruel bear.
"Do you think it makes you special that you hate me? I am hated by many, many children. Your hatred does not make you special, or unique. Your hatred is the most ordinary thing."
The supervisor looks back at her phone.
[[Done->Childcare Center]] The supervisor nods slowly.
"Good. Then you understand that there are dangers from which you cannot be protected. My duty is to protect you from the dangers in this room. Any other dangers are yours to face alone. Do you think the world is full of people who will protect you from danger? Do you think help is just out there for the taking? You know nothing, little boy."
The supervisor looks back at her phone.
[[Done->Childcare Center]] You slowly back down from the slide. The supervisor releases her grip on your shirt. She returns to her desk and looks down at her phone. There must be some way to distract her.
[[Done->Childcare Center]] You keep climbing, but the supervisor's grip is too strong. She lifts you by your shirt from the ladder and sets you on the floor.
"Little boys who don't play by the rules get cooked for dinner," she says. "Would you rather be stuffed with garlic cloves or breadcrumbs?"
[[Neither]]"You foolish little boy. You should not tempt fate!"
The supervisor returns to her desk, where she sits and looks at her phone. Is there some way you can distract her?
[[Done->Childcare Center]] "You foolish little boy. You should not tempt fate!"
The supervisor returns to her desk, where she sits and looks at her phone. Is there some way you can distract her?
[[Done->Childcare Center]] "I don't want to be cooked," you say.
The supervisors eyes go wide. A light, like fire, glimmers in them. "Then you must do what you are told. Little boys who do not do as they are told are worth only as much as the meat on their bones."
The supervisor returns to her desk and looks at her phone. Is there some way to distract her?
[[Done->Childcare Center]] "Yes, without your painted totem, how do you expect us to establish a baseline response? You shouldn't be here without your totem."
[[Why not?->next6]]
[[Where should I be?->next6]](set: $labvisits to 1)"You should be in the sterile vestibule. Only authorized personnel is allowed in this room. No one who doesn't have a keycard should be here. I'll have to speak to security about the lapse."
The scientist crosses his arms.
"Go get your totem and then wait in the sterile vestibule until you're called back."
[[Leave lab->Upstairs Hall]]
[[Where do I get the totem?]]
[[Where’s the vestibule?]] (set: $labvisits to 2)(if: $vestibule is 0)[The scientist frowns.
"Didn't they tell you anything when you volunteered? First volunteers go to the show room to get their painted totem, then to the sterile vestibule to wait until they're called back for testing."
[[Where's the vestibule?->vestibule2]]
[[Where's the show room?]]
[[Leave lab->Upstairs Hall]]
](elseif: $vestibule is 1)[The scientist frowns.
"Didn't they tell you anything when you volunteered? First volunteers go to the show room to get their painted totem, then to the sterile vestibule to wait until they're called back for testing."
[[Where's the show room?]]
[[Leave lab->Upstairs Hall]]]"Just around the corner. You can't miss it! Ask someone if you get lost."
[[Where's the show room?]]
[[Leave lab->Upstairs Hall]] (set: $labvisits to 3)"Why that's none of my business. I can assure you that I've never been to the show room in my life. You know what kind of people they have in the show room?"
He pauses ominously.
"Sales people."
He stares gravely at you.
"Now tell me, do I look like a sales person? Because I can assure you I am not. I am a man of science."
The scientist closes his eyes and touches his chest in pride.
"But I believe it's downstairs somewhere. Off you go now!"
[[Leave lab->Upstairs Hall]] (if: $marco is 0)["Young man! Can I interest you in a painted plate? Or a painted spoon? Or what about a painted sky? Everything can be painted, don't you know?"
[[I'm looking for Marco]]
[[Do you sell fingernail paint?]]
[[Not interested]]
](elseif: $marco is 1)["Would you care for some painted products, young man? Or what about some paint products to paint your products?"
[[Do you sell fingernail paint?]]
[[Not interested]]]You tell the salesman you were sent by the lab.
The salesman grins at you and rubs his hands together.
"A volunteer? You need your painted totem then."
The salesman leads you to a wall of sticks that are painted in every color imaginable.
"What did you say your favorite color was?"
You tell him. He runs his finger along the wall, past shade after shade of color, to the spot where your painted totem should be...
[[Next->totem next]]But it's not there.
"That's unusual," the salesman says. "It should be right here."
[[Where is it?]](set: $totem to 1)"Well, I'm not sure. I don't think we would have sold it. Totems are never for sale. Things do sometimes end up where they don't belong around here."
The salesman scratches his head.
"I'd offer you a different one, but your baseline reading will be all wrong if it's not your favorite color."
The salesman pauses.
"You might even have a bad reaction," he says, his eyes widening.
[[Why?]]"Do I look like a scientist? Those questions are not even for me to ponder. At Sherwood Forest, we believe in strict division of labor. Everyone has a job to do. I sell things."
[[Done->Show Room]] (if: $playpuppy is 0)[You get the baby out of your shirt. It opens its eyes. It licks your nose.
[[Put baby on supervisor's desk]]
[[Put baby on ladder]]
[[Put baby on top of jack-in-the-box]]
[[Put baby in playpen]]
[[Put baby on top of chipmunk]]
[[Put baby back in shirt->Childcare Center]]
](elseif: $playpuppy is 1)[You are holding the baby.
[[Put baby on supervisor's desk]]
[[Put baby on ladder]]
[[Put baby on top of jack-in-the-box]]
[[Put baby in playpen]]
[[Put baby on top of chipmunk]]
[[Put baby back in shirt->Childcare Center]]](set: $playpuppy to 1)The supervisor looks up from her phone.
"Get this slobbering beast away from me."
She stares at you.
[[Disobey->disobey3]](set: $playpuppy to 1)You put the baby on the ladder.
"Fetch the totem, baby! Fetch the painted totem!"
The baby falls off the ladder, onto the floor. It blinks its eyes and rolls around on its back.
The baby is not obedient.
[[Done->Play with baby]] (set: $playpuppy to 1)The baby curls up and goes to sleep.
[[Go to ladder]]The baby begins to cry.
The supervisor stands up and rushes to the playpen.
"What is this?" she shrieks. "A stench of human waste!"
[[The baby keeps crying.]]You pick up the baby.
[[Done->Play with baby]] You go to the ladder and start to climb. The supervisor's hand clasps your shirt before you know what's happened.
She hisses only a single word into your ear: "No."
She puts you down and thrusts the baby back into your arms.
[[Done->Play with baby]] You start to climb the ladder.
The supervisor's hand clasps your shirt. She lifts you from the ladder and places you on the floor.
"You are a very naughty little boy and one day, very soon, you will suffer terrible consequences for your disobedience."
As the supervisor passes the jack-in-the-box, she picks up the baby by the scruff of its neck. The baby jerks awake and whimpers. The supervisor tosses the baby at you. You catch it before it lands on the floor.
[[Done->Play with baby]] (set: $playpuppy to 1)The puppy cannot balance here. Its paws uselessly scratch the plastic head of the chipmunk for a few moments before it falls to the floor.
Without looking up from her phone, the supervisor says, "If you have not trained your animal to obey, any damage caused as a result of its disobedience is your responsibility. This is the law of nature. We are each responsible for those more stupid than ourselves."
You pick up the puppy.
[[Done->Play with baby]] This is your chance!
[[You start to climb the ladder.]]The supervisor doesn't notice.
You get to the first tower and begin to cross the bridge.
The painted totem is in the middle of the bridge.
[[You reach for it and pick it up.]](set: $havetotem to 1)You've got the painted totem! You climb back down the ladder. The supervisor is busy changing the baby's diaper.
[[Finished->Childcare Center]] Dad says, "This factory is our family's legacy. And when I was your age, I was ready to take it over."
Dad is shaking his head.
"But you, son. You aren't ready to take this factory over. You aren't even ready to hammer down the lid of a paint can."
[[Sorry, dad.]]Dad continues to shake his head.
He says, "It isn't your fault, Tommy. At school, they pamper you. When I was your age, I spent every day in the factory. You know nothing about the factory."
Dad pauses. He says, "Just down the hall, we're doing an experiment. I'd like you to participate in it. You might learn something that way."
Dad goes to the door.
[[Next->next7]]"We certainly do! We have a fine range of fingernail paint, in every color you could want. We also sell fingernails that have already been painted, as well as finger paints!"
[[Maybe next time]]
[[I don't have money]]"So you say, so you say."
The salesman shakes his head.
"Did you know, young man, that legislation is currently being passed that will make it a criminal offense to enter a place of business without the buying disposition?"
The salesman runs his hand through his hair. His smile is wide and wolf-like.
[[Next->illegal]]"A job? What kind of job? Well, it can't matter now. Marco's been crushed, but his memory lives on."
The salesman brightens.
"At Sherwood Forest, we now offer memorial services for departed loved ones! When a loved one departs the earthly plane, our pigment technicians extract the essence of their color and create a paint that's especially their tone."
[[And then?->memorial]]"Yes, yes, it was very sad. I say Marco was crushed, but the truth is, all of us were crushed."
The salesman brightens.
"Marco's memory, however, lives on. At Sherwood Forest, we now offer memorial services for departed loved ones! When a loved one departs the earthly plane, our pigment technicians extract the essence of their color and create a paint that's especially their tone."
[[And then?->memorial]]The salesman rubs his hands together.
"This paint is then used to create a portrait so lifelike that 97 percent of satisfied customers say they can't tell the difference between it and their departed loved one!"
The salesman looks at you with a new interest.
"You know, you're never too young to begin thinking about your passage from this earthly plane. Can I interest you in one of our memorial packages? We offer highly favorable early-bird discounts."
[[No thanks]]
[[I'll think about it]]The salesman frowns.
"Young man, what you call gross, I call the progress of humanity!"
The salesman rubs his hands together.
"This paint is then used to create a portrait so lifelike that 97 percent of satisfied customers say they can't tell the difference between it and their departed loved one!"
The salesman looks at you with a new interest.
"You know, you're never too young to begin thinking about your passage from this earthly plane. Can I interest you in one of our memorial packages? We offer highly favorable early-bird discounts."
[[No thanks]]
[[I'll think about it]]"Well, come back anytime. The offer stands, but the discount won't!"
[[Done->Show Room]] "Don't think too long or too hard! Here today, gone tomorrow!"
[[Done->Show Room]] (set: $marco to 1)The salesman looks at the ground. A shadow falls over his face. His eyes go melancholy.
"You didn't hear? Marco was crushed to death under a crate three days ago."
[[He was supposed to give me a job]]
[[That's too bad...]]"Ah, but there might not be a next time! This may be the last time! That is why the right time to buy, young man, is always now!"
[[Done->Show Room]] The salesman frowns.
"No money? Young man, you're in a place of business. What are you doing here if you have no money? Unless you mean to find a job."
The salesman shakes his head.
"No, young man, there is no job for you here. I do all the selling there is to be done. A trade might be acceptable. If you, for instance, wished to donate some of your blood. But you'd have to talk to Pigment Resources about that. If you've got a certificate from them, it's as good as cash here."
[[Done->Show Room]] "It will not, of course, be illegal to leave a place of business without buying anything. Not yet, anyway. But if it can be proven that you entered without even the flickering impulse to purchase, then you can be subject to imprisonment for up to ten years."
There is a light like burning coals in the salesman's eyes.
"Think about that, young man."
[[Done->Show Room]] A female humanoid voice says, "You do not have access to the lower level."
[[Back->Elevator 2]] A female humanoid voice says, "You do not have access to the lower level."
[[Back->Elevator]] The men are both wearing suits. They are so engrossed in their conversation that they don't notice you.
"Will the new colors of Ultra-Vibrant XTC be ready for shipping as anticipated?" says one.
"There were some concerns, but early testing shows even better results than expected. Still, it might not be a bad idea to delay a few weeks, to ensure maximum potency." says the other.
"It won't be cheap to push it back."
"No. But we need to think about what we'll stand to lose if we don't delay."
[[Done->Upstairs Hall]] (if: $temperature is 0)[It's a thermostat control. The temperature is on its lowest setting. The icon shows a shivering person.
[[Raise temperature]]
[[Leave temperature as is]]](if: $temperature is 1)[It's a thermostat control. The temperature is on a high setting. The icon shows a sweating person surrounded by palm trees, with the sun beaming down.
[[Lower temperature]]
[[Leave temperature as is]]] (set: $findtotem to 1)You start to climb the ladder to the first tower. The supervisor calls to you from the desk.
"Little boy," she rasps. "This is not allowed."
[[Disobey->disobey4]]She is the supervisor, after all. You climb down the ladder to the floor. T
The supervisor glares at you.
"Do not try that again, little boy," she says. "That castle is not sturdy enough for a little boy your size."
[[Done->Childcare Center]] Maybe she's looking out for your safety, but maybe she's just a mean tyrant.
Besides, you need the painted totem. It isn't your fault someone put it up here.
You continue to climb the ladder, but you've hardly taken another step before you feel a hand clasped around your shirt.
"Little boy," whispers the supervisor. "I have told you what you must do and you have disobeyed. If you continue to disobey, a monster called the Claw Finger will pay you a visit while you are asleep."
She lifts you from the ladder and sets you on the ground, then returns to her desk.
[[Done->Childcare Center]] (set: $temperature to 1)It is a bit chilly upstairs.
You adjust the temperature several degrees.
The icon changes to show someone sweating, surrounded by palm trees, and the sun beaming down.
[[Done->Upstairs Hall]] The temperature is fine.
[[Done->Upstairs Hall]] (set: $temperature to 0)You lower the temperature. The icon changes to show a shivering man.
[[Done->Upstairs Hall]] Dad says, "I have a very busy schedule. Find out about joining the experiment."
Dad starts to cough. He bends over coughing. He stands back up.
"Sometimes the paint fumes get to me! Usually, I find no smell more refreshing."
Dad glares at you.
"But you son, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the smell of a White Flour primer coat and a Cheerful Yellow trim, would you?"
Dad looks at his watch.
"I have a very busy schedule."
[[Dad leaves->dad's office 2]] (if: $officekey is 0)[The drawer is filled with paint samples and a small key, covered in dust.
[[Take key]]
[[Do nothing->dad's desk]]](if: $officekey is 1)[The drawer is filled with paint samples.
[[Do nothing->dad's desk]]
[[Close drawer]]](set: $officekey to 1)You have a key now! What could it open?
[[Done->dad's office 2]] The drawer won't close all the way. It will always be ajar.
[[Oh well->dad's office 2]] (set: $exitattempts to 1)You rattle the handle, but the door is locked! Dad must have forgotten to leave it open for you.
Maybe you could use a heavy object to break the glass...but that would make dad even less proud of you.
Maybe you could call someone for help?
[[Go back to dad's office->dad's office 2]](if: $officekey is 1)[
[[Try key]]](if: $exitattempts is 0)[You pick up the phone. There's a dial tone. It's not a good idea to make phone calls from dad's office for no reason.
[[Hang up->dad's walls]]](if: $exitattempts is 1 and $phonecall is 0)[You pick up the phone and hear a dial tone. You aren't sure what number to dial so you dial 0.
Someone answers. "Yes sir?" the voice says.
"Help," you say. "I'm locked in my dad's office."
The voice grows stern. "You shouldn't be using this phone. This is a secure line." The call ends.
[[Put down the receiver->dad's walls2]]](if: $phonecall is 1 and $leavedadsoffice is 0)[Better not make any more calls. That voice sounded angry!
[[Back->dad's walls]]](if: $leavedadsoffice is 1 and $phonecall is 1)[Better not make any more calls. That voice sounded angry!
[[Back->dad's walls]]](elseif: $leavedadsoffice is 1 and $phonecall is 0)[You pick up the phone. There's a dial tone. It's not a good idea to make phone calls from dad's office for no reason.
[[Hang up->dad's walls]]](set: $phonecall to 1)Dad's walls are mostly blank, except for a [[framed photograph]]. There's also a [[map]]. The walls are painted a dark shade of orange. All executives at Sherwood Forest paints get to choose the color of their walls! That's an executive privilege. There's a [[red telephone]] mounted to the wall.
[[Done->dad's office 2]] (set: $leavedadsoffice to 1)You put the key in the lock and turn it. The door opens!
[[Go into hall->Upstairs Hall]] The scientist says, "That's not my problem."
He shivers.
"I've got enough problems. They keep it freezing in here. I think I'm catching a cold."
[[Leave->Upstairs Hall]] "The baby is designated for painting. Its color is currently Peachy Flesh. It will be primed with a coat of Skyline Grey, and then finished with a coat of Golden Sunrise."
[[Stop this madness!->Stop the madness]]
[[Stop the paint nozzle]] (if: $havecrowbar is 0)[The bars of the cage are solid steel, welded together. The cage is locked with a padlock. Your keycard is useless.
[[Rattle the cage]]
[[Leave paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]]
](if: $havecrowbar is 1)[The bars of the cage are solid steel, welded together. The cage is locked with a padlock. Your keycard is useless. Your crowbar might work.
[[Use crowbar on cage]]
[[Leave paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]]](if: $talkexperimentsubjects is 0)[A tall steel door at the end of the hall says "Sterile Vestibule." There are chairs and a bench outside the door where four people are waiting, reading magazines or looking around.
[[Talk to people]]
[[Go in->sterile vestibule]]
[[Go back->Upstairs Hall]]](if: $talkexperimentsubjects is 1)[A tall steel door at the end of the hall says "Sterile Vestibule." There are chairs and a bench outside the door where four people are waiting, reading magazines or looking around.
[[Talk to people->talk people 2]]
[[Go in->sterile vestibule]]
[[Go back->Upstairs Hall]]](if: $talkexperimentsubjects is 2)[A tall steel door at the end of the hall says "Sterile Vestibule." There are chairs and a bench outside the door where four people are waiting, reading magazines or looking around.
[[Talk to people->talk people 3]]
[[Go in->sterile vestibule]]
[[Go back->Upstairs Hall]]](if: $talkexperimentsubjects is 3)[A tall steel door at the end of the hall says "Sterile Vestibule." There are chairs and a bench outside the door where four people are waiting, reading magazines or looking around.
[[Talk to people->talk people 4]]
[[Go in->sterile vestibule]]
[[Go back->Upstairs Hall]]](if: $talkexperimentsubjects is 4)[A tall steel door at the end of the hall says "Sterile Vestibule." There are chairs and a bench outside the door where four people are waiting, reading magazines or looking around.
[[Go in->sterile vestibule]]
[[Go back->Upstairs Hall]]](if: $havetotem is 0)[You push the green button on the door that says "Open." The door makes an ugly sound. Text on a screen reads: "Sterilization in progress. Please come back."
[[Go back->Upstairs Hall]]](if: $havetotem is 1)[You push the green button on the door that says "Open." The door slides open. You enter the room.
A lab assistant greets you. He is wearing a ventilator mask and thick rubber gloves.
"I see you have your painted totem," he says. "We may now begin sterilization procedures."
Before you can say anything, the lab assistant sprays you with a bitter-smelling spray.
[[Next->sterilized]]]"Yuck," you say. "That smells bad."
The lab assistant says, "External contaminants cannot be allowed into the testing chamber. Please follow me."
[[Don't follow]]You follow the lab assistant into the laboratory.
The lab is set up like a kitchen, similar to the one in your own house, but slightly smaller. A window overlooks a yard and a picket fence, but this is a painting.
You hear the door hiss closed behind you. The lab assistant has left the room.
[[Proceed with the experiment]]You stay where you are. The lab assistant looks at you.
He says, "Well?"
[[Go back to hall->locked door 2]]The door back to the hall is locked.
[[Follow the lab assistant ->Follow]] (set: $talkexperimentsubjects to 1)You approach a woman who is not doing anythimg. She is holding a brightly colored object.
"Why are you here?" you say.
"The experiment is through that door."
[[What's the experiment?]]"Well," she says. "They're researching how to make the world a better place using paint."
[[They are?]]"Yes," she says. "They want to make the world wonderful for everyone living in it. But everyone has different favorite colors. Sometimes we don't even know what our truest favorite color is. And they're helping us discover what color makes us happiest."
[[Sounds nice.]]
[[Sounds sketchy.]]"Oh yes," she says. "I can't wait to learn my truest favorite color."
[[Done->around the corner]] "Oh no!" she says. "They'll use our results to develop a master color scheme. Then they'll paint everything this way. This color will bring about a state of universal bliss. Haven't you read the informed consent?"
[[Yes]]"Well you really should!"
She picks up a magazine and begins to read it.
[[Done->around the corner]] "Then you understand how important this experiment is. We could all be so much happier if our world was painted according to scientific principles!"
She picks up a magazine and begins to read it.
[[Done->around the corner]] (set: $talkexperimentalsubjects to 2)You approach a man who is reading a magazine about paint. He's wearing suspenders. A dark brown painted totem sits in his lap. He lowers the magazine as you approach.
"Hello young man," he says. "Do you like chocolate?"
[[No->nochocolate]](set: $talkexperimentalsubjects to 3)It's a girl, about your age. She has long blonde hair in pigtails. Her arms are folded. A pink painted totem is seated upright on the chair next to her.
"Is your father someone important in the factory? My father is someone very important in the factory."
[[My dad is the president of the factory]]
[[My dad is pretty important]]
[[No, my dad is no one.]]
[[My dad is dead]](set: $talkexperimentalsubjects to 4)It's an elderly woman. Her cane leans against her chair. Her lilac-colored painted totem is in her lap. She's knitting.
"I'm knitting a sweater for my grand-nephew. His twelfth birthday is coming up. But you know, wool has gotten more and more expensive. Participating in these experiments gives me something to do. It also provides a bit of pocket change!"
[[Done->around the corner]] His eyes brighten.
"Me too! I think everyone loves chocolate. But I can't eat enough chocolate. That might be why my painted totem is this rich chocolatey brown."
He goes back to reading the magazine.
[[Done->around the corner]] He narrows his eyes.
"You don't? I thought everyone liked chocolate. Myself, I can't eat enough. That's probably why my painted totem is this rich chocolatey brown color."
He returns to reading his magazine.
[[Done->around the corner]] Her eyes go wide.
"That can't be true." She points at herself. "MY father is the president of the factory."
[[Oh, I guess I made a mistake]]
[[No, you're wrong]]"Well," she says. "I'll bet he's not as important as MY father. MY father is the most important man in the paint factory."
She folds her arms. She won't look at you anymore.
[[Done->around the corner]] She widens her eyes. "Don't say that about your father," she says. "Everyone is important. Even the lowliest rag-picker or paint-huffer has a role to play. That's what my father always says."
She smiles.
"I'm excited for the experiment, aren't you?"
[[Done->around the corner]] She makes a repulsed face. "Well, just because your father is dead, don't expect any favors. My father says everyone has to work for a living. Don't think that just because your father's dead that gives you an excuse to start huffing paint."
She folds her arms and refuses to look at you anymore.
[[Done->around the corner]] She smiles. "That's all right," she says. "Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes all the paint in the air makes me feel a bit dizzy."
She fans herself with a magazine she picks up.
[[Done->around the corner]] She glares at you. "No," she says. "YOU'RE wrong."
She folds her arms and makes an unhappy sound.
"Maybe you've just been smelling too many paint fumes to know anything, stupid paint-huffer."
She refuses to look at you anymore.
[[Done->around the corner]] (set: $distressedmom to 1)She puts her hands in her hair and tears out a chunk.
"They called to say my baby has disappeared from the childcare center. My husband is crushing minerals into pigments all day. If he leaves his shift he'll lose his job. No one knows where my baby is!"
[[Sorry, I haven't seen your baby->momleaves]]
[[I hope you find your baby->momleaves]]"I'm going to the police station. If you see my baby, please make sure he's safe."
[[What does your baby look like?]]The woman makes a strange face.
"He just looks like a baby," she says. "I don't know. He looks like a potato."
She turns and leaves through the doors.
[[Next->Reception]] You are in the cafeteria.
A large woman stands behind a counter, behind steaming platters of food, holding a ladel. Trays are stacked on a counter near the entrance.
Various stations in the cafeteria offer different things to eat. There is one station with slices of pie. Another station has hamburgers under a heat lamp. Another station has individual cookies.
A pay counter at the front is staffed by a sorrowful looking man.
Three long tables sit in the middle of the cafeteria.
A boy about your age sits at one of the table, a piece of pie in front of him.
[if: $boygone is 0[[Talk to boy]]]
[[Talk to cashier]]
[[Talk to lunchlady]]
[[Go to showroom->Show Room]]Double-click this passage to edit it.The boy looks up from his pie. He is wearing paint-splattered overalls. His face is smeared with paint.
"You can't have my pie!" he says. "This is my slice of pie! I worked for it and it's mine!"
[[I don't want your pie]]
[[Give me your pie]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.The boy frowns. He narrows his eyes.
"I don't believe you," he says. "Everyone wants my pie."
[[Not me.]]
[[Ok, give it to me->Give me your pie]] "No way, you maladjusted creep! If you want pie, you're going to have to work for it. I work twelve-hour shifts, and I'll be darned if anyone's going to swipe my pie."
[[Okay, sorry, enjoy your pie.]]
[[What's your job?]](set: $boygone to 1)"Thanks. Got to work to earn the pie. Got to work to earn the money. Got to work to earn the discount on paint. My dad's a painter. He didn't used to go through so much paint, but now he only paints paintings of paint. He says it's barbaric to paint anything else. The employee discount keeps us in the paint. Anyway, I like it better here than school."
The boy eats his pie in a single bite, then gets up and leaves the cafeteria.
[[Done->cafeteria]] The boy proudly points at himself with his thumb.
"If it can be done, I do it." He frowns. "But mostly I oil the gears of the big paint-churner. It's a dangerous job, but someone has to do it. The big paint-churner never stops churning. I lost a finger oiling its gears last march."
He holds up his hand to show you his missing finger.
"But the pay's good."
[[Well, nice talking to you. Enjoy your pie.]]
[[Shouldn't you be in school?]](set: $boygone to 1)"Thanks. Got to work to earn the pie. Got to work to earn the money. Got to work to earn the discount on paint. My dad's a painter. He didn't used to go through so much paint, but now he only paints paintings of paint. He says it's barbaric to paint anything else. The employee discount keeps us in the paint. Anyway, I like it better here than school."
The boy eats his pie in a single bite, then gets up and leaves the cafeteria.
[[Done->cafeteria]] (set: $boygone to 1)He stares at you.
"Shouldn't YOU be in school?" he says. "My dad always said school's not worth much. He's an artist. I mean, he just covers the same canvas in coat after coat of paint. He used to paint people, but now he says he's just painting paint. Dad says it's an inhumane thing to try and represent with paint something other than what it is. I don't know what he means, but I think he's right. I like watching him paint. I could watch him paint all day."
The boy seems to go into a kind of trance.
"But me working here gets us steep discounts on the paint. Dad says it's good to have a sense of responsibility."
The boy seems to go into another trance. He snaps out of it.
"Gee, I'd better finish this pie and get back to work!"
The boy eats his pie and gets up. He leaves.
[[Done->cafeteria]] "Well what do you want then? Everyone wants something. I work 12 hour shifts, I don't need anyone hassling me while I'm trying to eat my pie."
[[What's your job?]]
[[I don't know what I want.]]He smirks.
"Boy," he says. "I was just like you once. Maladjusted. I had no idea what I wanted! My job at the factory's given my life direction."
[[What's your job?]]
[[I don't want a job at the paint factory]]"Knowing what you don't want is just one piece of it, see. If you don't know what you want, you're liable to end up with things you don't want until you figure out what you want."
[[How can you know what you want before you have it? What if you get it and then realize it isn't really what you wanted after all?]]
[[Well what do you want?]](set: $boygone to 1)He blinks a few times.
"Boy, you sure are maladjusted. If you had a job here, you could see the factory psychiatrist. He can sort out anyone's pathology. Yes sir, no one's pathology is too severe for the factory psychiatrist to diagnose."
He stares at you for a moment.
"It's time for me to get back to work. You'd better get checked out before you end up a bum. My dad could've been a bum, but he's an artist. That's why I work here. Discounts on paint."
He eats his slice of pie in one bite and leaves.
[[Done->cafeteria]] (set: $boygone to 1)"I want the discount on paint that working in this factory provides to my family. My dad, see, he's an artist. He used to take much longer with a single can of paint, back when he painted people, but now he just paints paintings of paint. Anything else, dad says, would be barbaric. He goes through a couple cans a day."
He checks the time on his watch.
"Speaking of which, I better get back to work."
He swallows his slice of pie and leaves.
[[Done->cafeteria]] "The baby is designated for painting. Its color is currently Peachy Flesh. It will be primed with a coat of Skyline Grey, and then finished with a coat of Baby Sky Blue."
[[Stop this madness!->Stop the madness]]
[[Stop the paint nozzle]] "The Sherwood Forest automated paint application system will continue to improve the world by painting it. Thank you for visiting."
[[Leave->Upstairs Hall 2]]
[[Stop painting things->Stop the paint nozzle]]
[[Get the baby->Save the baby]]
[[Watch paint applied]]
[[Stop the madness]] One after another, objects come under the paint nozzle. They are sprayed with paint, and then continue to move down the conveyor belt.
The baby's turn to be painted approaches.
[[Don't paint the baby->Save the baby]]
[[Paint the baby]](set: $babypainted to 1)The baby goes under the nozzle. The baby is crying loudly. The nozzle begins to spray paint on the baby.
In less than twenty seconds, the baby is painted from head to toe. Its body is now a pale shade of blue.
The machine stops.
The computer says, "No more objects are designated for painting today. Would you like to access the painting chamber?"
[[Yes->painting chamber]]
[[No->what then?2]] "What would you like to do?"
[[Nothing. Leave the paint application room->Upstairs Hall 2]]
[[Access painting chamber->painting chamber]](set: $babypainted to 1)"Please place the baby back in the painting chamber."
You place the baby back in the painting chamber. The machinery whirs back to life and the paint nozzle begins to spray paint on the baby.
Within seconds, the baby is covered from head to toe in light blue paint.
"Painting is now complete."
You retrieve the baby from the painting chamber. It is blue and slightly cold and sticky from the layer of fresh paint. The baby blinks and smiles at you. It giggles.
[[Leave->Upstairs Hall 2]] The supervisor shouts to the rest of the children in the daycare, "Children, do not look at this baby! Babies are dumb, stinking beasts. If you look too long at a baby, it believes you are the one who will care for it. None of you, children, can care for this baby."
[[The children don't listen. They keep playing together. One of the little girls comes over to see the baby.]]The supervisor says, "Do not attempt to befriend this baby, children! This baby will only bring sadness to your lives."
But the children don't listen.
The supervisor is distracted. She picks up the baby. It is wailing. The little girl attempts to take the baby from her. The supervisor pushes the little girl away, placing her hand on the little girl's face.
[[Get painted totem from castle]]A yellow light in the corner of the kitchen begins to flash. A speaker issues instructions.
"Thank you for volunteering in this experiment at Sherwood Forest Paint Company. Without your help, the future would remain an unpainted canvas."
You look around the room and see the speaker in the corner.
It continues to issue instructions.
"Please sit at the kitchen table. Place your painted totem in the next seat."
[[Follow the instructions]]You place the totem in the next seat. You sit in the chair at the table.
"Good. You will be shown a series of painted items. Please tell us the first words that come into your mind when you see the item. You may pick it up and use it as it is intended. As you do so, continue to tell us the words in your mind."
A panel in the middle of the table opens. A platform rises, carrying an alarm clock that has been painted bright red.
You say, "Noise. Bedtime. Wake up. Go to school."
[[You pick up the alarm clock.]] You are holding the alarm clock. The platform lowers and the panel closes.
You say, "Hurry. Stupid. School. Red. Dragon. Fire. Firetruck."
The voice issuing instructions says, "Please place the object back in the center of the table."
[[You place the alarm clock back on the table]]The panel opens. The alarm clock is taken away.
The voice says, "Please pick up your painted totem. You will notice that the totem is broken into segments. Please arrange the segments of the totem until the colored dots line up. This will clear your olfactories of any lingering traces of the last paint to which you were exposed."
[[You arrange your totem as instructed]]Your totem seems to brighten in color.
The panel opens and the platform rises again. This time the object is a toaster, painted turquoise.
Suddenly, the lights in the kitchen start to flicker. There is a loud crackling noise through the speaker.
The scientist's voice is broken: "Please...nothing...alarm...stay calm...attempting....remain..."
[[Remain calm]]You remain calm, but the lights continue to flicker. The room goes completely dark.
A light fixture from above crashes down.
Dim lights turn on--the backup lighting. You can see around the room. It's in total disarray.
You try the door you came in through. It's locked and sealed. The speaker emits nothing but static.
On the other wall, there's a crack. Brighter light is coming through.
[[Enter the crack]]You go closer to it. The light is very bright. The crack seems to be widening.
You can fit through it.
You step through.
The sun is shining. Birds are singing. It smells like pine trees.
You're in a forest. You turn around to look for the crack you came through. Where is the lab?
The lab is gone.
You're in the forest now.
↶↷You're in your dad's office in the paint factory.
Dad is frowning at you.
He says, "Son, I'm not proud of you."